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Copyright Notice

The entire site is under Copyright © 2022 by GE PENNINGTON. All Rights Reserved.  The website may not be copied or duplicated in whole or part by any means. 

Any copying in any manner or form, digital or tangible, of the artworks and writing by GE Pennington, or other writers under GE Pennington, employed or freelance work, is strictly prohibited without prior written consent.

Some photographs or documents contained on the site may be the copyrighted property of others; acknowledgment of those copyrights is hereby given. All such material is used with the permission of the owner. Other photos without copyright are provided and offered for free by the website host services.

Within the online forum, GE Pennington encourages sharing and collaborating with each other's creative work and respects the rights of all creatives and copyright holders. Consequently, all works that appear on the forum do so with the consent of the creative/s or the copyright holder.

Copying any creative work by a member of the site or forum is strictly prohibited. Such community violations are means for the user's membership termination.

No image or information displayed on this site may be reproduced, transmitted, or copied (other than for the purposes of fair dealing, as defined in the Copyright Act 1968) without the express written permission of GE Pennington. Duplicating or plagiarizing is an infringement of the Copyright Act and amendments and may be subject to legal action.

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