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Deòir airson clò-bhualaidhean ealain Ukraine

Deòir airson clò-bhualaidhean ealain Ukraine

Tears for Ukraine is an art print where 100% of gross profit goes toward a charity assisting in the Ukraine war relief effort and helping Ukrainian refugees. The other 50% will go toward new Tears for Ukraine items, such as stickers, pins, and t-shirts, to spread awareness and support for the Ukrainian people.




Please choose one of these charities to which your art's profit will be donated to:

  • Come Back Alive
  • International Committee for the Red Cross - Ukraine Crisis
  • International Rescue Committee
  • Last Bell Ministries

  • Mission to Ukraine

  • National Bank of Ukraine Fundraising for Humanitarian Assistance

  • Nova Ukraine
  • Project Cure
  • Razom's Emergency Response
  • Water Mission



  *Leave your charity of choice in the comment section at checkout! If the comment section is left blank, it will go to a Ukraine charity of our choice!   

  • Tha an clò-ealain seo air a dhèanamh de phàipear ealain mhionaideach gun searbhag 100% cotan.
  • A ’tighinn ann an còmhdach dìon plastaig. (Tha sinn a’ gluasad a dh’ionnsaigh còmhdaichean plastaig bith-mhillidh air an dèanamh bho stuthan ath-chuartaichte 100%.)
  • Tha 8x10 a’ tighinn le bòrd foam tasglainn. Tha seo saor bho searbhag agus thathas a’ moladh gun cùm thu air cùl an obair-ealain nuair a thathar a’ frèamadh.
  • Tha 5x7 a’ tighinn le bòrd-taic ph-neodrach air a dhèanamh de stuthan ath-chuartaichte 100%.
PriceFrom $19.89
Excluding Tax
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